Do you know all the illnesses linked to dental disease in our pets, or that they are similar to those in humans? Did you know that dental care in humans has been a contributor to longer lifespans because of this? With the current advances in dentistry available to our pets, we are excited to see how much longer they are living when we perform preventative dental work rather than extracting badly rotten teeth. We have invested in a digital dental radiograph unit to minimize radiation, as well as a dental scaler much like the one your dentist uses on you – one that is shown to have the lowest risk causing heat damage to a tooth. Because we perform radiographs as a part of our oral exam, we can find the actual cause of the issue and only extract teeth that are required to. If extractions are required, we can determine the fastest, least traumatic way to surgically remove any teeth. By using proper dental nerve blocks, sending home pain medication and utilizing absorbable surgical foam to prevent dry socket, we help get your pet over the pain of dental disease, and back to the playful pet you remember, quickly.

Eliminating dental disease is too important to your pet’s health to postpone important treatments, that’s why at Cascade Veterinary Clinic every month is dental month! You don’t need to wait for January or February to roll around before you can afford to take care of your pet.

Our dental packages include a savings of 10% on the overall cost of treatment (which generally adds up to $100-150!), along with a gift bag valued at over $60. Your gift includes a toothbrush, veterinary exclusive toothpaste and water additive which both break down tartar and prevent the accumulation of calculus without damaging the enamel, as well as a bag of prescription Hills dental food. And we don’t just give out tiny samples – all items are full-sized!

How do you take advantage of this amazing offer? Simply schedule your pet’s dental prophylaxis or surgery to occur within 2 weeks of the date we provide you with a treatment plan.  Not sure if you can afford treatment? We offer payment plans through two third-party providers to make caring for your fur-baby easier.